Three Guaranteed Cards are Greater Than One

Today’s update brings some small but often requested changes to the game.  

One of the more common feature requests in Age of Rivals is for slightly more control over strategy by way of more deck-building.  However we also often hear that players like that there is less deck-building in this game, and that they would prefer it stay this way.  

We are also aware that most players don’t even get to fully try out the current level of deck-building, because most players never get to the point where they can Guarantee more than one card.  Playing with 3 Guaranteed cards feels pretty different than playing with just 1 (we think).

So before we make any changes, we want to allow more players to play the game as intended.  To that end, we have reduced the number of Rival Cards you have to get to unlock the 2nd and 3rd slots on every rival.  It used to be 2/10/25, and now it is 2/5/10.  This means that many of you will likely have more slots unlocked the next time you load up the game.

Another frequent request is to be able to earn coins by playing the computer.  So we have also added a reward for beating the computer, including Easy, Hard and Campaign games.  It’s not as much as for beating a human (and you get nothing for losing), but it’s something.

Finally, we have removed the intro Friend Mission, because many players have a hard time completing it.  If you already have it in your Mission List, it will be dismissible.  

Thanks for all the feedback!  We hope these changes improve everyone’s experience.  We have also been working on bringing Age of Rivals to more platforms.  More news on that soon!

A Website.